MATERRE VR EXPERIENCE. Cinema Futuro Remoto | Past Future Cinema

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MATERRE VR EXPERIENCE. Cinema Futuro Remoto | Past Future Cinema

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Artdigiland publishes for Rete Cinema Basilicata and Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 – under the artistic direction of Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier and Lello Voce – MATERRE VR EXPERIENCE Cinema Futuro Remoto | Past Future Cinema. The catalogue volume, curated by Bruno Di Marino together with the exhibition of the same name, documents the work performed for the creation of MaTerre, a virtual reality film in five episodes shot at Matera.

The film is the result of the encounter of five video-makers and five poets, of different linguistic cultures, but united by the Mediterranean civilisation: Gianluca Abbate / Eduard Escoffet (Cos Endins), Domenico Brancale / Blerina Goce (Ate Ca Tu), Vito Foderà / Yolanda Castaño (Mai Terra), Giuseppe Schillaci / Aurélia Lassaque (Transhumance), Elena Zervopoulou / Nilson Muniz (BeLeaf). The project starts from Lucanian cultural origins – Lucania ’61 by Carlo Levi and the utopian figure of the town-crier poet Rocco Scotellaro, the peasant-mayor who spurred his fellow citizens on to progress and emancipation – and weaves them together with the tradition of the spoken word, on the one hand, and with the most advanced techniques of visual research on the other, mixing innovation and tradition, orality and technology, memory and imagination.

As Antonello Faretta writes, the film seeks “an original collective view of Matera, freed from the rules of the international film industry, which currently identifies the Sassi as the ideal type for a mainstream Christological film series”, by means of an operation in which directors and poets are “new techno-peasants, shamans who do not till the soil, but interrogate it in an increasingly fluid and hybrid identity game of belonging, where the frontier is merely a new linguistic, poetic and cinematographic code, not a finis terrae”.

The exhibition opens on Saturday 23 November at the church of Santa Maria de Armenis, at Matera, and presents an immersive itinerary utilising short features, in installation (“flat” version) or individual form (using the Oculus).

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MaTerre is a Matera European Capital of Culture 2019 project co-produced by Rete Cinema Basilicata and Ma­tera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation co-financed by Lucana Film Commission Foundation and in partnership with Meditalents (France), Albanian National Film Center (Albania), Rattapallax (USA), Italian Cultural Institute Madrid (Spain), CIRCE/University of Turin (Italy), DAMS/University of Calabria (Italy), Universosud (Italy), Noeltan Film (Italy)

Made with the ethical fund of BCC Basilicata, Banca Etica
Under the patronage of CNA, Confederazione Nazionale Artigianato e Piccola e Media Impresa e Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo - Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Artistic directors: Antonello Faretta, Paolo Heritier, Lello Voce
Project manager: Adriana Bruno
Creative design and production by: Antonello Faretta e Adriana Bruno
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